
Post Jobs and Search CV Database on the European Chamber Website

中国欧盟商会 中国欧盟商会European Chamber 2022-06-15

Do you know the European Chamber website provides a CAREERS section for employers to find most qualified candidates and for job seekers to find best opportunities?

Do you know European Chamber members can enjoy all of them for free*?
Do you know non-members can also use these features with a reasonable fee?*except featured job posting

Use our 'CV database' to search CVs from hundreds of international candidates

Share your jobs on our ‘Job vacancies’ page to get over 20,000 views per month

CV Database

Search CVs based on the following criteria: preferred industry, job location, job function, employment type, experience level and current residence.

member's backend of CV Database page

Job Posting

To help our members build a better employer branding, our job posting page made an upgrade! Employers can now add companies’ social media links, one banner, introduction of the company, and one file for applicant to download.

the upgraded page

We provide 2 types of job-posting services at your choice: 
1. Regular Job Postings
With regular job postings, your job offers will be placed among others according to chronological order, with unfeatured white background. ⬇️

Regular Job Postings

2. Featured Job Postings
We reserve the top three positions for those who want to give more visibility to the jobs they advertise. The benefits of a featured job are:
  • your job posting will appear on one of the TOP 3 positions (limited to three, first come first serve)

  • the background of your job posting will be highlighted in a different color than the regular job postings ⬇️

Featured Job Postings

How to Get Access

For Members

For member companies, you could post job vacancies with the following two choices: 
1. Regular Job Postings: FREE
As a member benefit, job posting and CV database services are for free to member companies by logging in to the European Chamber website and go to 'My Account'.

member’s backend

2. Featured Job Postings: 1,700 RMB/monthFor a single posting. Contact website@europeanchamber.com.cn to purchase.

For Non-members

For non-member companies, you can use our job posting platform in the following three ways:
1. Purchase annual online access: 3,200 RMB/year
You may enjoy the following services for free:
  • Online Member Directory

  • Regular Job Postings

  • CV Database

  • Other benefits: download publications without having to register; manage event registrations and newsletter subscriptions.

2. Regular Job Posting: 500 RMB/month for a single posting
3. Featured Job Posting: 1,700 RMB/month for a single posting

For more information or purchase, please extract the QR code below or cotact website@europeanchamber.com.cn. ⬇️

Extract QR code for details

Click on 'Read more' to visit CAREERS section on our website

